
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cutaneous Vascular Lesion

A great deal of confusion and inconsistency exists in the terminology of vascular
lesions. Often the same name is given to different lesions by different specialty
fields, thereby confusing both interspecialty communication as well as the analysis
of reports on pathophysiology and treatment.
Mulliken and Young have proposed a standardized terminology based on cell
kinetics. According to their classification, there are 3 major categories of lesions.
Hemangiomas All lesions demonstrate endothelial hyperplasia
Capillary Hemangiomas (superficial)
Cavernous Hemagiomas (deep)
Malformations All lesions demonstrate normal endothelial turnover
Capillary malformations
Port-wine stains (PWS)
Lymphatic malformations
Venous malformations
Arterial malformations
Complex-combined malformations
Ectasias Lesions with normal turnover but with vascular dilatation
Cherry Angioma
Spider Angioma
Angioma Serpiginosum

Hair Growth Cycle

Human hair grows in a continuous cyclic pattern, which includes the Anagen,
Catagen, and Telogen phases.
The anagen phase is a period of active stable growth, high metabolic activity, rapid
bulb matrix cell division, and differentiation.
The catagen phase is a relatively brief period of 2 – 4 weeks of hair follicle
degradation preceding the resting period.
The telogen phase is a period of complete inactivity, lasting 2 – 5 months.
In general, the duration of each phase depends on the body area. The difference in
the duration of certain phase related to the hair location in the human body may be
significant – from few weeks to few years.

Fotona Nd:YAG Wrinkle Reduction With Fotona XP Max
The main factors in causing skin-aging are diminishing function of fibroblasts in
connective tissue and decreasing tightness and thickness of collagen fibers in the
dermal papillary layer. The most common skin rejuvenation techniques are
therefore based on stimulating a responsive restorative process in the papillary
Chemical peels and dermabrasion have been popular skin rejuvenation options but
their relatively low efficacy and high risk of papillary damage and scarring, are major
drawbacks. The thought of using chemicals, the immediate visible effects of both
treatments together with the inherent longer client-downtime are factors that do not
appeal to the consumer.
The non-invasive Nd:YAG photo-collagen remodelling technique is therefore more
appealing to clients since their active lifestyles demand no down-time. Fotona
Nd:YAG photo-collagen remodelling is based on the absorption of Nd:YAG laser
energy by haemoglobin with partial coagulation of the microvasculature in the
papillary dermis and release of inflammatory mediators. The process results in
microvascular renewing, fibroblast stimulation and new collagen remodelling. The
visible end result will be smoother skin, smaller pore sizes and improved skin colour
and texture.
Fotona Nd:YAG Wrinkle ReductionTreatment Parameters
Pulsewidth (ms) Fluence (J/cm2) Frequency (Hz)
Skin type I - III 50 50 1.0 – 1.5
Skin type IV - VI 50 30 – 40 1.0 – 1.5
In general the treatment does not require anaesthesia and cooling.
Post Treatment Guidelines
·  Side effects may by slight, transient erythema and a sensation of heat in the
treated area.

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